Understanding Pet Appetite Loss: Advice for Pet Owners

Understanding Pet Appetite Loss: A Comprehensive Guide for Concerned Pet Owners At Southern Arizona Veterinary Specialty & Emergency Center, we understand how distressing it can be when your pet suddenly loses interest in food. While occasional changes in appetite are normal, prolonged or complete refusal to eat can indicate a serious underlying health issue. This [...]

After the Emergency: A Pet Owner’s Guide to At-Home Recovery

Seeing your pet go through an emergency is challenging for any pet owner. The sudden rush to the clinic, the anxiety about their condition, and the emotional toll—these moments stay with us long after the immediate crisis has passed. But now, as your pet begins to recover at home, we’re here to guide you through [...]

Protecting Your Pet’s Heart: A Guide to Heart Disease in Dogs and Cats

Heart disease in pets is a serious condition that can significantly impact their quality of life, and we believe that informed pet owners play a crucial role in early detection and treatment.  This article will guide you through the essentials of heart disease in pets, covering symptoms to watch for, preventive measures you can take, [...]

Tender, Loving Care: Post-Surgery Tips for Pet Owners

Surgery can be a stressful experience for pets and their owners. Whether the procedure is routine, such as spaying or neutering, or a more complex operation, knowing what to expect during your pet’s recovery period can help you provide them with the best care. Our Southern Arizona Veterinary Specialty & Emergency Center team will walk [...]

7 Summer Safety Tips for Southwest Pets

As temperatures soar in the Southwest, heat safety and awareness become critically important for your pet. The extreme heat can result in severe health issues in pets, including life-threatening heatstroke, but owners who are aware of these risks and implement protective measures can avert heat-related dangers. Our Southern Arizona Veterinary Specialty & Emergency Center team [...]

Diabetes Mellitus in Pets: Causes, Signs, and Treatment

Diabetes mellitus is a chronic endocrine disorder that affects about one in every 300 pets. Similar to diabetes in humans, diabetes in pets disables the body’s ability to control or regulate blood sugar levels effectively. Because diabetes is common, knowing how to recognize its signs is imperative for pet owners. Our Southern Arizona Veterinary Specialty [...]

Common Skin Conditions in Pets

Skin conditions in pets are common and can be caused by various things, including allergies, flea and tick infestations, skin infections, hot spots, and skin cancer. These conditions can lead to discomfort, itching, and pain for your pet, and ultimately affect their overall health and happiness. Because skin conditions in pets are so common, it's [...]

Cloudy Vision: Cataracts in Pets

Cataracts are a common eye condition in both people and pets. Cataracts’ telltale sign is a cloudy or bluish film on the eye lens. Cataracts can impair vision and affect your pet’s quality of life. Understanding cataracts, including their causes, signs, and treatment options, is crucial to ensure your pet maintains their vision. Our Southern [...]

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