8 Signs Your Pet Needs an Urgent Veterinary Visit

Like children, pets often experience minor illnesses that don’t always need treatment. Some illness signs, however, indicate that your pet requires an urgent veterinary examination. The Southern Arizona Veterinary Specialty and Emergency Center team is equipped to handle urgent and emergent cases 24/7, because pets are more likely to recover from a serious illness when [...]

What Do Changes in My Pet’s Eating and Drinking Habits Mean?

Changes in your pet’s eating or drinking habits may indicate a serious health condition and should not be ignored. Our Southern Arizona Veterinary Specialty & Emergency Center team explains why your pet’s appetite and water consumption may increase or decrease to highlight the importance of monitoring their daily habits.  Reasons your pet’s appetite is reduced [...]

Pet Toxins 101

Toxicosis (i.e., accidental poisoning) is one of the most common—and most preventable—pet emergencies we see at Southern Arizona Veterinary Specialty and Emergency Center, likely because many pet owners don’t realize that many everyday household items are toxic to pets. Knowing how to identify and address these domestic hazards—and recognize active toxin ingestion signs in pets—are [...]

Why Is My Dog Limping?

Various conditions cause canine limping—one of the most common reasons pet owners seek veterinary care for their dog. Some canine limping causes are more concerning than others, and many dog owners aren’t sure when they can help manage their furry pal’s limp at home and when they should seek veterinary care. Our Southern Arizona Veterinary [...]

What Cat Owners Should Know About Respiratory Infections

Upper respiratory infections (URIs) affect the nose, sinuses, mouth, and throat and are common in cats. They can be caused by numerous pathogens, but infection typically occurs through direct contact with an infected cat or by environmental exposure to objects contaminated with infectious nasal, oral, or ocular secretions. Our Southern Arizona Veterinary Specialty and Emergency [...]

Valley Fever Tutorial for Pet Owners

Valley Fever (i.e., coccidioidomycosis) most commonly affects pets in alkaline desert regions in Arizona, New Mexico, southwestern Texas, and central California. Cases have also been reported in Washington, Oregon, Utah, Nevada, and desert areas in Central and South America. While dogs seem especially susceptible, cats can also be infected with the disease, which can potentially [...]

Signs Your Pet May Have Cancer

Cancer rates in pets are similar to those in humans, with one in four dogs developing the condition during their lifetime. The rate increases to 50% in pets older than 10 years, and cancer is the leading cause of death in pets overall. The good news is that research into new and innovative treatments that [...]

Urinary Tract Disease and Emergencies in Cats

If you’ve noticed your cat spending more time in their litter box, having accidents around the house, or acting strangely, you’re not alone. Cats are predisposed to urinary disease, a condition so common that it’s the presenting complaint for up to 8% of veterinary visits. Cats are complicated creatures, and so are their diseases—feline lower [...]

FAQs About Pet Anesthesia Safety

If your pet is scheduled for an anesthetic procedure, you may have some concerns about the process. While most pets experience no problems during anesthesia, we understand that you probably want to know more about how we prioritize your pet’s safety. Our Southern Arizona Veterinary Specialty and Emergency Center team wants to help by answering [...]

6 Important Facts About Brachycephalic Pet Health

Brachycephalic pets, including French and English bulldogs, pugs, shih tzus, boxers, Pekingese, Boston terriers, and Persian and Himalayan cats, have taken the world by storm. Known for their short—nearly nonexistent—muzzle, big eyes, and endearing snorts, these flat-faced dogs and cats are a common sight from the dog park to the big screen. Sadly, the iconic [...]

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