How Veterinary Ultrasound Helps Your Pet and Your Veterinarian

Ultrasound is a noninvasive imaging technique that veterinarians use to view your pet’s internal body structures. Ultrasound probes, or transducers, contain special ceramic crystal materials (i.e., piezoelectrics) that produce sound waves that travel through your pet’s body when the probe is placed on your pet’s skin. When these sound waves encounter boundaries between tissues in [...]

Ear Care: When Your Pet’s Chronic Ear Infection Needs Emergency Treatment

Any ear infection can be irritating, unpleasant, and downright painful for your pet, but a chronic infection can cause significant problems that can be difficult to manage. Pets with chronic ear infections routinely visit their primary care veterinarian for their latest flare-up, but some chronic ear infections require urgent treatment for the pet to get [...]

What Does My Pet’s Blood Work Mean?

Blood tests are one of the most important diagnostic tools your veterinarian uses to monitor your pet’s health. Collecting blood is quick, minimally invasive, and provides information about several body systems. Our Southern Arizona Veterinary Specialty and Emergency in-house laboratory provides results quickly, so our veterinarians can begin directing your pet’s treatment plan right away. [...]

Thyroid Disease in Pets

Thyroid Disease in Dogs and Cats Thyroid disease is a common endocrine (i.e., hormonal) abnormality that affects dogs and cats, although they suffer from different thyroid conditions. Dogs typically are affected by hypothyroidism (i.e., underactive thyroid), whereas cats usually suffer from hyperthyroidism (i.e., overactive thyroid). Our team at Southern Arizona Veterinary Specialty and Emergency [...]

A Guide to Xylitol Toxicity in Pets

You are taking your new puppy to visit your friend, and realize that you have forgotten to bring their “puppy peanut butter” to stuff their Kong. However, you figure your friend’s peanut butter will do in a pinch, and ask for a dollop. As you scoop out a spoonful, your friend starts telling you about [...]

How Is Cancer Treated in Pets by Oncology Vets?

As winter weather starts to settle in, dog owners need to start thinking about how to keep their four-legged friends comfortable and safe on daily walks. It can be easy to dismiss the cold because your dog has fur, but the truth is that there does come a time when it’s unsafe to take your [...]

How do Oncology Vet Specialists Diagnose Cancer in Pets?

As winter weather starts to settle in, dog owners need to start thinking about how to keep their four-legged friends comfortable and safe on daily walks. It can be easy to dismiss the cold because your dog has fur, but the truth is that there does come a time when it’s unsafe to take your [...]

How cold is too cold for your dog during the winter?

As winter weather starts to settle in, dog owners need to start thinking about how to keep their four-legged friends comfortable and safe on daily walks. It can be easy to dismiss the cold because your dog has fur, but the truth is that there does come a time when it’s unsafe to take your [...]

How to Become a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

If you have a passion for helping animals and have the capacity to obtain a doctoral degree, you may be interested in becoming a doctor of veterinary medicine. Veterinarians are in the top 10 most in demand jobs for the year 2022. Veterinarians are experts in pet health; they perform checkups and surgeries, teach pet [...]

What Is Canine Lymphoma?

Keeping up with a dog’s health should be an owner’s top priority. While taking your pet to an animal medical center for a check-up once a year — and twice a year for older pets — is the norm, there are other things you can do to ensure your dog’s health is in tip-top shape [...]

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