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So far Digital Empathy has created 115 blog entries.

3 Delicious Thanksgiving Foods You Can Make for Your Dog

According to studies reported by Forbes Magazine, 92% of pet owners spent a considerable amount on their pets during the most recent recession period. Showing affection and expressing gratitude to our loved ones, including pets, creates an unforgettable bonding experience. Sharing your Thanksgiving food with your dog is a great place to start. Sometimes the [...]

Lipoma In Dogs: What to Do if You Discover a Lump on Your Dog

As a dog owner, it can be concerning when you notice anything out of the ordinary with your pet. Lipoma in dogs, while uncommon, can lead to complicated issues if not treated properly. If you discover a lump on your dog, then it’s important to know how to respond. Try to figure out what may [...]

What to Avoid Cooking If You Want to Give Your Pet Table Scraps

As a pet owner, you have so many responsibilities. No matter what kind of cats or dogs you have, you have to beware of fleas, which can lay over 2,000 eggs in a single lifetime, make sure your pet is getting enough exercise, and keep them well-fed and healthy. Clearly you should be buying plenty [...]

Top 9 Reasons to Have Your Pet Spayed or Neutered

Getting a new pet can be a magical experience for your whole family. But before you can begin your life with your new furry friend, it’s important to take a very important medical step: getting your new pet spayed or neutered. Read on to learn about the top 9 benefits of investing in either of [...]

Parvovirus in Dogs: Warning Signs and Preventions of Parvovirus

As a pet owner, you have to constantly tend to your furry friend in order to ensure they are as happy and healthy as possible. You have to focus on proper training methods, beware of fleas (which can lay over 2,000 eggs in their lifetime), and make sure you’re tending to any kind of sickness [...]

Great Tips For Keeping Your Pet Cool at Night

Unfortunately, our pets are not immune to heat-related stress. That’s why it’s so important to practice summer pet safety, especially at night when it might seem like everything is fine. Even though your pet might go in for a checkup twice a year, as recommended by your vet, it’s up to you to practice good [...]

What to Do if Your Dog Is Stung by A Scorpion

While you do your best to keep your dog safe, there’s no telling what kind of trouble they’ll run into if they’re off on their own. Even under supervision things can get dicey! That’s why it’s so important to be prepared for an emergency vet visit. In this blog, we’ll talk about what to do [...]

Teaching Your Kids and Pets to Interact Safely

Kids and pets living in harmony is a beautiful sight to see. With so many adorable videos of children and their pets floating around on social media, it’s hard not to want a furry companion for your own kids. But that kind of harmony doesn’t just happen. So if you’re introducing a pet to your [...]

Summer Pet Safety: How to Prepare Your Pets for Hot Weather

Summer is here, which means there are more opportunities than ever to get outside with your four-legged friends. But your pets may not be able to handle heat the same way you do. They are covered in fur, after all. So if you’re wondering how to protect your pet from the heat, here are a [...]

Tips for Teaching These 3 Essential Dog Behaviors

If you’re thinking about adding your first dog to the family, make sure you include your list of considerations to training your dog. While many people argue the effectiveness of one method over another, one thing is certain: behavior training your dog is essential to a peaceful and safe life for everyone. Here are three [...]

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